Monday 9 February 2009

So What's this all about then ?

Born in Colchester, North Essex, I always had an idea about the Suffolk based Brewery up the A12 in Southwold, but obviously being an Essex Boy all I was interested in was the fizzy lager stuff.
Growing up in the village of Tiptree for the 1st 20 years of my life, and then onto Totham for a further 7, meant my chances of enjoying a pint of Adnams were few and far between. In fact it wasn't until a chance move to Colchester, that Adnams reared it's hoppy head. The Hospital Arms on Crouch Street became my local, and a pint of the Premium ABV 'Broadside' kick started my tastebuds and my interest in Adnams.

Some years later and I'm now lucky enough to find myself living in Suffolk with my wife Clare, and of course all these wonderful Adnams pubs on my doorstep.
During 2008 I stayed up in Southwold for a long weekend, and was just blown away by the whole Adnams set up. They advertise themselves as 'Beer from the Coast' and amazingly they really are. Just a Geoff Capes stone throw from the North Sea is the original 14th Century alehouse.
On my return I did a bit of investigative work on Adnams and found that they had around 70 of their own pubs dotted around Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex & Cambs. They even have 1 in London.
I have a Brother in Law, Martin, who's Blogsite is centred around visiting all the Football League Grounds, so a Blogsite of my own, jotting down my opinions and photos of visits of Adnams Public Houses, seemed a fantatsic idea for someone who likes a pint. Even my wife approved !

So the plan was hatched and over the coming months I'm hoping to get out and about with a number of friends and family to sample some of these Adnams pubs. They actually advertise their pubs as 'No 2 Adnams pubs are alike' so I'm looking forward to finding out if this is the case.
Obviously depending on the time of year that I get to visit, will have an impact on my opinion of the pub. For instance if I turn up on a cold wintery night, then I wont be venturing out to any pub gardens, but then again the public bar will be given a wide berth on those balmy summer evenings.
For the pupose of this Blog Site I shall endeavour to report on the ambience of the pub, the friendly factor, if the Landlord/Lady smiles, choice of Adnams ales, and whether its Nobbies Nuts or Pork Scratchings. I intend to enjoy my visits like everyone else as a regular punter, so I will apologise now if some of my judgements become clouded - it'll be the 'Spindrift causing that.

One final point worth mentioning is the beer that you can expect to drink. This can vary depending on what time of year you visit. The Bitter, Broadside, Explorer, Gun Hill, Spindrift and the pale ale Lighthouse are the ever presents, while springtime brings us MayDay and the summertime Regatta. Over the winter we are treated to a further 4 beauties in Oyster, Old, Tally Ho and Yuletide, all of which taste oh so different. Adnams have even brought out a Green Beer - East Green.

So that's it. You've had your brief (??) explanation as to why I'm doing this, and what I'm actually intending to do, now it's time for me to get out there and start visiting. I'm going to list all the pubs, in no particular order for you , along with the Adnams beers and their ABV, just so you know which beer I'm referring too. There's no particular order either in where I'm visiting, but it only feels right that I should start in Southwold, the home of Adnams Beer.

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