Monday 2 July 2012

No.47 - Star Inn, Wenhaston, Suffolk

Saturday 30th June, 2012
2 miles on from Bramfield was the beautiful picturesque village of Wenhaston, home to the fabulous looking 18th century Star Inn. I think that we all felt like we'd struck gold a little when we arrived, as the pub looked fantastic in it's setting with the sun blazing down, petanque square and lush green hilly lawn. If this had been the final pub of the day, we could have easily seen ourselves staying for the evening duration rather than returning to our YH. As it was, there was a blog to be done, so it was off into the cosy wooded floor bar, again with a nice large fire for those winter evenings, to be greeted by a very freindly barlady, 'Fairy'. She sorted out our beers and snacks and even made a note of the website. Another potential follower?  With Sole Star, Ghostship and Bitter on tap it was decided that we'd go for the slightly lower strength beer 'Sole Star' as we still had a long day ahead of us. We moved on down to the lower end of the garden to where the petanque square was, and tucked into our Mr.Barton homemade sausage rolls and Walkers crips. Living like kings!
Armed with a set of petanque bowles, there was only one thing for it, and it wasn't long before the Wenhaston petanque championships had begun. Andy started off very accurately and was the clear early leader, but I soon got my eye in and may well have taken over as champ. However, interest soon dwindled and it was down to Damo and Ade to entertain us with their amazing juggling skills. Although I did notice a rather scary looking 'Fairies' mum keeping an eye on us, so we thought it best to stop messing around!!
Unfortunately, once again, we made the mistake of looking at our watches and realised it was time to move along. Blyford was calling. Rather reluctantly we took our glasses back into the pub, waved off Wenhaston and started up the Blyford Road to our next destination. I can be 100% sure, that I for one, will be returning to the Star Inn.  

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