Wednesday 11 February 2009

No.1 - The Sole Bay Inn, Southwold, Suffolk

Saturday 7th February, 2009
Arrived in Southwold at midday, all geared up with camera and a thirst. However, my wife had other ideas and it was the Pier first stop, in order to purchase a Doorstop which was required from one of the quaint shops at the end of.
Accompanying me on this, my first Adnams pub trip, was my rather heavily pregnant wife (31 weeks) Clare and my Sister Loops, who was along for the ride as she also just loves visiting Southwold.
After the Pier experience we parked up and took a short walk along the sea front, before diving down one of the side roads which takes you straight to The Sole Bay Inn.
Having been up in Southwold over Christmas time, and supping a few pints in the Sole Bay during that period, we were greeted with a nice friendly welcome from the Landlord who clearly remembered us from a couple of months ago. Is that good or bad ?? The interior of the pub is very well kept, with a kind of rustic appearance. Good solid wooden tables and chairs, which, while not the most comfortable, offer a nice clean, stylish surrounding. Although busy for lunches, the 3 of us managed to get a table in front of the large painting depicting the 'Battle of Sole Bay' which took place some 350 years ago just off the coast here in Southwold.

The atmosphere in the pub was a good one. It was warm and friendly with a good mix of locals, weekenders, and people like ourselves just there for the day. A number of 'well behaved' dogs were also in the pub which gave the whole feel to the place an even more local one.
I was very pleased to see that 'Oyster' was on, so that was my first of the day, just a half to start with mind you, and it was beautiful. The girls were getting peckish by now so we also treated ourselves to some localised nibbles, Cheese & Onion Flavour!
We spent an enjoyable hour and a half in the Sole Bay, before moving on and taking a wander down and across the East Green and the High Street, heading for our next destination.
A must visit pub if you decide to call into Southwold. Very friendly and welcoming, and with the tables outside, I would imagine a very enjoyable summertime experience as well.

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