Wednesday 11 February 2009

No.2 - The Red Lion, Southwold, Suffolk

Saturday 7th February, 2009
Famed for its fish and chips, and for being one of the few surviving buildings of the great fire of Southwold in 1659, The Red Lion was next on our agenda. It's in a great spot, right on the South Green area of Southwold and looking out to the North sea and trailing coastline round to Walberswick.
Despite the weather being very bright and sunny, it was still decidedly chilly (it was February after all), as we found out to our cost just as we sat down on one of the outside tables for lunch. It was 2.15pm when we arrived and the pub only serves food til 2.30pm on Saturdays, so the 3 of us quickly made a decision on what we fancied and spied a table outside - it was rammed in the pub!

Again, the staff were very nice and friendly in there, and very quick to spy people who needed serving. No Oyster on in here, but they did have some 'Old', which is what I went for. We sat down outside and within 10 mins our lunches were brought out to us, albeit by a 'moody' teenager !
Between us we had 2 different types of Ploughmans, a Turkey & Cranberry rustic Bap, and a large bowl of curly Fries. No complaints whatsoever. The food was nicely presented and most importanly tasted very good for a very reasonable price. By the time we had finished our lunch we were all feeling the cold and as the lunchtime rush had calmed, we went and sat inside for half an hour.
They have an open fire in the main bar, and 2 large dining areas to the back of the building which are full of Adnams memorabilia. Its a great pub, and one you could easily just lose yourself in for a few hours. The Landlord was polite and friendly towards us, even though he was rushed off his feet when we arrived, and he poured a mean pint! One of the only minus points for the pub is the position of it's toilets. They're basically outside which means you don't wanna be spending too long out there - hang on though, that's good isn't it !!

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