Monday 9 March 2009

No.4 - The Jolly Sailor, Orford, Suffolk

Sunday 8th March, 2009
About half a mile down the road from Orford Castle, was our next destination, The Jolly Sailor, which my mum reliably informs me I've visited before pre-official drinking age. I think I was about 9 !

Again situated along the main road just up from the Quay, you walk into a very welcoming atmosphere and 'home' like pub. The sort of pub that if you lived local, or certainly just a walking distance away, you'd spend a lazy afternoon (and evening) enjoying the ambience and beer, and then regretting it the next day at work. The pub is decked out with lots of Adnams memorabilia, and plenty of good solid wooden tables and chairs (I do like a good solid table to drink at) and also we were treated to another beautiful open wood burning fire.
Once again there were Oyster, Original and Broadside available, as well as Spindrift, which is what Lewis went for. I was very tempted to endulge in some Spindrift, as I've been known to sample one or two pints haven't I Clare, but I stuck with the Oyster. The girls, as it was now turning a little bit grim outside, went for a nice warming Hot Chocolate.

We spent about an hour in the Jolly Sailor before the boys began to get a little restless. It wont be long before we wont be able to keep them out of the pub, but before we left I took George on a quick circuit. We took a look outside the back at the childrens play area and the lovely fields backing onto the car park. It was very picturesque. There were probably about half a dozen different drinking and eating areas which catered for family groups like ourselves, or just romantic couples who fancied a nice quiet drink and a meal. The pub really oozed a nice calmness.
Unfortunately the weather got the better of us on the way back to the car park, to the point where we had to break out into a jog. As a result of this, I now know what I'm going to buy Lewis for his birthday - a belt !! By 4.30pm we were home safe and sound, if a little weary, after all that jogging.

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