Saturday 6 June 2009

No.5 - The Lord Nelson, Ipswich, Suffolk

Friday 5th June, 2009
It was the perfect way to start the weekend. At 7pm I met up with some of my fellow NCT classmates (Steve, Ben, Scott, Henry and Dom) who joined me on my first visit to The Lord Nelson, a pub which I'd strode past many a time on my way into town.

It was originally licensed in 1653 and the Olde Inn is now a Grade II listed building. We entered in off the main street to be pleasantly greeted by what I would regard as proper Adnams pub decor. Wooden floors, chunky furniture, Artwork of Southwold all around the walls and many references to fishing, boats, and of course Adnams Beer.

There were 4 barrels behind the bar serving up Broadside, Explorer, East Green and The Bitter. Myself and Steve went straight in for an Explorer, but once we were all present at the pub we purchased a few jugs of Bitter to keep us going. Plus it worked out a lot cheaper to do this than buying individual pints at £3.10 each !!

During the evening I managed to stick my head out into the back garden where they had a nice walled rear patio, but unfortunately I would image that once you get a few smokers out there, a lot of the charm disappears. I later found out that upto 1995 the pub had 2 bar areas, but it was deemed to be more effective with one larger one, and I have to say that one larger bar looks the part.
Although we decided at 9.30pm to take a walk up the road for an Indian, the food which was being served up looked very appealing, and judging by the menu, good value for money. The Lord Nelson is now certainly a pub I'll struggle just to walk past next time I'm heading into town to go sock shopping!

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