Sunday 25 October 2009

No.16 - The Bricklayers, Colchester, Essex

Saturday 24th October, 2009
Match Day at Grandads Pub!
Although having visited the Bricklayers on many an occassion, I hadn't actually yet done the official 'Blog' visit, so with the U's being at home on this particular Saturday it was the perfect oppurtunity.

Also as Big Nige was with me it was a good chance to get his face on the blog too.

With it being just a short walk from the train station, Mum, Tone and myself arrived at the pub for opening time at 12pm, which was a favourite time with my grandad apparently who lived just up the road for many years - The Bricklayers was in fact his local. To both myself and Tone's pleasure, Adnams Old was on. It was the first time this autumn that Old was available so we both plumped for a pint, with mum also endulging in a half. Also available to punters was Broadside, Bitter and the last knockings of Regatta. Behind the bar I also noticed that there were many Adnams Sherry's and Ports underway, which is always a sign Christmas is coming!!

The pub itself has been in Britains oldest recorded town for years - although not quite as far a back as the Romans - and has always been a huge favourite with Beer drinkers winning many CAMRA awards. Being so close to the station it is also an ideal spot for a quickie after work too! Inside is set out very nicely with a Saloon Bar, Public Bar, large Conservatory and well kept Beer Garden. The atmosphere inside is very pleasant, almost serene at times, although the Land Lady seemed a little scary !

The walls are crammed full of Adnams posters and pictures, which is the norm with Adnams pubs, but these walls seemed especially crammed, with some I'm sure having been up on them from when my Grandad used to frequent the place. We left the pub at 2.15pm and headed up to the ground to watch Colchester thrash Walsall 2-1. By 5.30pm we were back for a couple more for the road before heading home. The pub by now had changed atmosphere and was now attracting the evening drinkers, which gave the place a more lively feel. Myself and Nige left at about 7pm having had a great day, and as you can see from the last photo, we left everyone else in good Adnams spirits.

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