Monday 31 August 2009

No.15 - The Railway Inn, Aldeburgh, Ipswich

Sunday 30th August, 2009
OK, so after the rather disappointing Mill, we hopped in the car and drove the 2 miles away from the coast back in land to The Railway Inn.
With no visible car park it was street parking all the way and we ended up about 300 hundred yards down the road, which on this bright day wasn't a problem, but on the flip side if it had been raining and cold, we may have given it a miss today if we couldn't have parked closer.

The pub was built at the same time that the main railway line between Aldeburgh and Ipswich was established, which was a few hundred years ago, but the interior has quite clearly had a good face lift since then! Nice clean bar area, good solid tables, a nice sized garden with plenty of oil heaters and of course lots of room inside the pub for pushchairs.
The pub, I believe, is now used on a regular basis as a music venue in it's spare time, and there is plenty of music memorabilia on the walls to show this. In fact, apart from the outside decor, the bar towels, a few ashtrays and the brollies in the garden, you wouldn't have really known you were in Adnams territory.

The beers on tap were very limited with only Bitter and Broadside available, however the 2 pints of Broadside which Tony and myself had were beautiful. They managed to serve up the pints very cold, which was un-expected, but very nice. It seemed to get the taste buds going and also left us wanting another - but there were other factors to consider so we didn't this time ! Good boys !
We supped up our pints and headed home back to Ipswich with the family, knowing that Aldeburgh, in terms of Adnams pubs, was now complete. Where next I wonder ?

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