Monday 14 December 2009

No.19 - The Kings Head, Southwold, Suffolk

Sunday 13th December, 2009

The Blakes, Judds and Smiths all ventured upto Southwold on Friday morning for a lovely long pre-Christmas weekend break. A chance to pick up a few last minute pressies, a chance to take in some fresh sea air, a chance to drink some Adnams ! With a couple of the Southwold Adnams pubs already under my belt, I decided to visit another couple while we there over this particular weekend, one of them being The Kings Head, which is situated in the High Street.
Now whether it is because The Kings Head is also a hotel, I don't know, but in my opinion it just seemed to lack something. Character ? Warmth ? That Adnams touch ? Difficult to put your finger on it, but it wasn't quite what you expect from an Adnams establishment. One little interesting thing I noticed was the pub sign has 2 different Kings Heads on. Anyone know who they are ?

The pub is one of the larger ones in Southwold and with it's huge empty seated Restaurant area, and the enormous TV screen, I would imagine that it must get busy at some point of the day! Myself, Clare and young Flo went in at about 2pm and we were 3 of about 15 in there. The other 12 were a friendly bunch, all sitting round one of the large tables tucking into what looked like a Christmas dinner which looked quite nice in comparison to our 'Grab Bag' pack of Cheese and Onion!
I'm sorry to report that I found the selection of Adnams beers available to us was a little disappointing with only The Bitter, Explorer and Broadside on Tap. Considering we were spitting distance from the main Brewery and the fact there are some lovely Winter Beers available at the moment, I thought this was a little poor. But, with the lack of choice, I did end up having a very fine pint of Broadside which I probably wouldn't have chosen had some of the Winter beers been on. So, silver linings !!!
Once we'd finished our drinks, and after Florence had taken some time to play with the Christmas Tree, we headed on back down the High Street in search of the next pub to visit - via some more shops!

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