Monday 14 December 2009

No.20 - The Lord Nelson, Southwold, Suffolk

Sunday 13th December, 2009

On leaving the Kings Head we ambled our way along the High Street and headed towards the Coast, where we found the famous Lord Nelson pub. Famous pub ? Well in 2007, The Nelson won the best coastal pub in Great Britain award. The pub has been there now for many hundreds of years and has always been a safe haven, particularly for the local sailors who have to ply their trade on the sometimes very dangerous North Sea.

On entering the pub and squeezing through with the pushchair, having to make a few tables of drinkers move their chairs, which they were absolutely fine about (which was nice!), we met up with Mum, Tone, Loops, Karen and Andrew. After the disappointment of the selection in The Kings Head, it was the total opposite in here as there was just so much choice. Bitter, Broadside, Explorer, Old, Yuletide, Tally Ho and the latest monthly Cask Ale which was a German Wheat Beer.

Oh what to go for! I started with just a half of the very strong Tally Ho. It comes in at around 7.5 % so you really don't need too many pints to get the full impact. It's a delicious full on beer which really leaves a nice warming taste, but be warned, it can kick like a Draymans Horse! After successfully finishing my half I thought I'd give the Wheat beer a go. It was 4.1% and not as light in colour as I was expecting. After a few sups the real wheat taste came through. It was very nice! Everyone around the table, barr Florence of course, all had a try and the general concensus was it was a winner.

After an hour or so in front of the fire, and enjoying the warmness of the pub, it was time to move on out as we were fast approaching feeding time for the youngest member of our group. The ladies all made there way back to the house while the gents stopped off at The Sole Bay Inn, which was the 1st pub I blogged back in February. We were all enjoying a nice pint of Old when an elderly gentlemen walked in and took a seat at the bar. He ordered half pint of Explorer and Broadside mixed (bizarre) and settled in with the locals. The barman then came over to us to inform us of who the old guy was. It was none other than Mr.Adnams himself. George Adnams had only just walked into our pub for a drink. We were all speechless until Andrew piped up and ordered us 3 halves of Explorer and Broadside. I think I can safely say that none of us will be drinking that again!! Sorry George.

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