Sunday 21 June 2009

No.7 - The Half Moon, Walton, Suffolk

Sunday 21st June, 2009
Fathers Day ! What a bonus and a lovely way to spend my first Fathers Day. My mum, Tony and sister Loops popped over today for some lunch, but first we decided that we'd go for a Fathers Day pint, so I chose The Half Moon down in Walton, Felixstowe, which meant we could pick up Clare's Dad, Colin, en route and treat him to a pint of finest as well.

There were 3 Adnams on offer. Broadside, The Bitter and something rather special, William Godell. It's a special 4.5% Limited edition Beer which has been specially brewed to commemorate the 'Father of Southwold', William Godell, who died 500 years ago in 1509!! The beer has been based on the original recipe used all those years ago. And amazingly, keeping the tradition, the beer has been brewed by women only, which could explain the slightly bitter taste !!

It turned out to be a smashing little family afternoon with again Florence joining us. Tony managed a few Broadside, Clare indulged in half a Woodfordes Wherry, while Loops and Colin stuck to Carlsberg. Mum was very kindly driving and stuck to softies. Despite not being a beery session, between us we still managed to use up 4 bar towels soaking up spilt drinks - eh Colin and Mum !!!

The pub itself is another with a very local feel. Nice wooden floors, chunky tables and very friendly staff. Being a Sunday, pork pies were on offer, but we all passed on those. The Half Moon is another Adnams pub which is most definitely going to be visited again!

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