Tuesday 11 August 2009

No.10 - The Black Tiles, Martlesham, Suffolk

Tuesday 11th August, 2009
With me having the week off work, and the weather being kind to the family Blake, the decision was made very quickly, and without any fuss, to pop along to the Black Tiles for a spot of lunch. Clare had been there a number of times, and knew it would be great to sit outside in it's lovely garden with baby Florence and a pint of finest.

The pub itself is quite new looking - built in 1936 - and offers itself very nicely to both eaters and drinkers. There is a large separate restaurant area as well as a good size public bar area - which could also sit diners if required. Due to the time of it's construction, The Black Tiles has strong links with the Armed Forces as soldiers, sailors and airmen were frequent visitors while based in the area at the local Armed bases. The enormous visitors book, which is still available for a read, pays tribute to this.
Today however, the pub was only filled with lots of families and business people enjoying the very warm August sunshine, and of course the Adnams. The grounds of the pub are really beautiful and deserved a more lengthy visit than just the hour or so at lunchtime that we could do today. A return visit with friends or family is certainly on the cards.

For the beer drinking record there was a nice selection available. Regatta, which is what I had, Broadside, Bitter and East Green were all available on tap. The food which we had for lunch was also very nice, with the menu offering up a good selection of mains and lunches. The whole ambiance of the pub was perfect - except for the wasps!!

On a final note, I've started to realise that on these trips to Adnams pubs, you just never know what or who you will bump into - as the previous posts pay tribute. Today was no different. As were we leaving, an old friend appeared for his lunch who I haven't seen for some time. Most people reading this will just know him as 'Kevin from Ipswich.' For those that know him, and haven't seen him for a bit, he hasn't changed !!!

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