Thursday 13 August 2009

No.11 - Cross Keys, Aldeburgh, Suffolk

2 Men and lots of little babies!
Thursday 13th August, 2009

The Blakes and Brownes (Steve, Julie & Maddy) set off for Aldeburgh in search of Adnams at about 11.30am and, after eventually parking up, arrived safely at The Cross Keys by 12.15pm. The pub was a powder pink painted picture. There were some beautiful hanging baskets and shrubbery outside, but this however meant there was no where to drink out front. So we walked through a tiny side alley to find a busy courtyard with eaters and drinkers, where we unfortunately found to our dismay there was no garden. However, they do have their own beach!! The large sea front facing courtyard is a perfect spot for enjoying an afternoon by the sea drinking Adnams and eating chips, as proved here by the babies and mums (Claire & Xander, Nic, Jemima and Jade, Emma & Edward) who joined us for the afternoon. We found ourselves a couple of tables and set up base camp for a few hours - as shown here by Mr. & Mrs. Blake.

The pub has been in Aldeburgh since 1540 and again is a real traditional Adnams ale house. A good selection of Adnams beer was on offer, along with the locally produced Aspall cider, which is always nice on a warm summer afternoon. Explorer was the chosen summer beer, along with Broadside and Bitter. The bar was typically Adnams with plenty of 'Beer' memorabilia and lots of other interesting things pinned up here and there. One thing I've noticed about Adnams bar's is that they are always 'pro' the local area. They will always advertise local events for that particular area, which to me is the whole idea of the real 'local'.
Here's Steve buying the best pint of the day - The 1st one!

At about 2.15pm the girls wandered off to buy a bag of world famous chips from the chippy up the road, while Steve and I were left to monitor the sleeping babies. Within 5 minutes of the girls leaving, a nasty chain reaction kicked off which left us running around after 4 crying babies! We managed to enlist the help of another chap in the courtyard to give us a hand, and just about calmed the situation down before the girls came back 3 hours later. It was actually only 15 minutes but blimey it seemed like 3 hours! All was good, and the chips were fantastic.

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