Thursday 13 August 2009

No.12 - The White Hart, Aldeburgh, Suffolk

Thursday 13th August, 2009
About 10 minutes walk along the sea front from the Cross Keys was the next Adnams pub on the list, The White Hart.

Check Spelling

The hardened drinkers amongst us finished up our beer, coke, milk and chips, and we arrived at The White Hart at about 3.15pm. The afternoon was racing by! On first impressions it doesn't seem to offer much, but give yourself time in the bar and you really start to feel quite at home.
We found the side entrance to the garden and ventured in only to find an area, which to be honest, was a little disappointing and left a lot to be desired. Whether this was because we had just come from such a fantastic drinking area up the road, who knows, but it didn't have much of a wow factor! The rubbish bins and dozens of empty beer barrels didn't really help, but hey it wasn't going to spoil our afternoon, and certainly the beer was a lovely pint.
It was my turn to buy the beers this time.

The pub has been in Aldeburgh since 1823, not as long as The Cross Keys, and it kind of showed. The 200 years difference in age meant the whole design of the pub was different too, with The White Hart almost looking like a house from the outside as opposed to a pub. There were changes in the interior as well. The walls and ceilings were very high as opposed to the low beamed ones I've been used to, although I didn't find this too much of a problem as it was quite nice not having to worry about smacking your head and spilling your beer! It very much reminded me of my Grandad's bowling club over at Blackheath in Colchester! Next door to the pub is the world famous fish and chip shop which everyone has to visit on their trip to Aldeburgh. The food served in this plaice (!) is beautiful and well worth queueing for. What a great location for a chip shop - next door to an Adnams pub!

The beers on tap were similar to The Cross Keys, as most Adnams pubs are this time of year, with the only difference being that Regatta was on here as opposed to Explorer. Both myself and Steve had a pint of this, so too Clare but only a half. Nic endulged in an Adnams shandy (designated driver) to get in the swing of things, and Florence ? Well she couldn't decide what she wanted, Milk or Beer ???

The whole day had been a great success, with smashing weather and company. We eventually all left Aldeburgh at 5.30pm vowing to return to complete the un-visited Adnams pubs on the list, and to obviously eat some more chippies. Everyone who turned up had a lovely afternoon, and I'm glad they enjoyed it. Hopefully they will join me again sometime on my Great Adnams pub crawl.

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