Monday 16 November 2009

No.18 - The Eels Foot Inn, Eastbridge, Suffolk

Sunday 15th November, 2009
So it was onto the Eels Foot Inn and we arrived at about 5.15pm. We were being joined by the Barton boys - Andrew and his young son Lewis - again debutant's on Blakeys Blog. The pair of budding Bill Oddies had just spent the last couple of hours down the road spotting some deer. It sounded like they had been very successful, but they were both now ready for some Adnams and a nice big icey coke. They got there bang on time at 5.30pm, just as we were getting the Old Ale in. We had now formed a decent sized little posse!
The pub is a very traditional and cosy Inn, which on this particular evening, had a lovely open, roaring fire and I'm sure we could have easily spent the remainder of the evening supping beer and being entertained by Carl Daniels and his magic tricks. Both Lewis and Andrew's face were a picture during the 4 Kings trick!

The pub dates back to 1642, when originally the pub started off as two cottages. A third cottage was then added during 1725 which is where you can find the local darts team plying their trade. The Eels Foot Inn is quite a strange name for a pub and there seems to be a lot of debate as to how it became known as this. The history websites are where you need to look on this one I'm afraid, otherwise this posting will be huge!
As mentioned earlier, we all indulged in a few pints of Old Ale, which this time of year seems to be the perfect drop of Adnams. Lewis went for a large coke with plenty of ice and straws, which kept him very busy.
Apart from Old, we could have also had the usual's - Bitter and Broadside. The atmosphere in the pub was very 'local'. There were a number dogs walking about the place and also plenty of little ones charging about, which gave the pub a lovely friendly and family feel. The time flew by and at 6.30ish we thought we'd better get back to all the ladies at Millionaires Palace. Once Lewis had supped up, we packed up and left. 10 minutes later we were back safely with another couple Bloggers hooked!

Before we headed on home I spotted this shelf with some good old fashioned Adnams Beer bottles on. Always makes a nice finishing photo to a blog entry !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loving your work Blakey. These two Barton boys are well and truly hooked, - I'll get working on Fraser when he's big enough to hold a pint glass! (I don't think Tracy has the same level of appreciation for the ale, - she seems to think it smells of blood!?) Better get Ade and Carl to join the blog...

Here's to the next one (soon).