Monday 26 April 2010

No.24 - Cardinals Hat, Harleston, Norfolk

Sunday 25th April, 2010
This will probably be one of my shortest reviews so far as there isn't much to say - that's good anyway! After the previous lovely day that we had at The Cherry Tree, it was just myself and Steve Browne who headed out from camp for a spot of blogging. We arrived at the Cardinals Hat bang on Midday just as it was opening, but before we went in we thought we'd first call in at the Adnams shop, which adjoins the pub itself. You'll never believe it though, we were greeted with a Closed sign. Gutted ! Especially as on the previous Friday I noticed on the Adnams website that they now do bottled Spindrift !

Anyway, after that slight disappointment we walked round the front of the building and strolled into the Cardinals Hat. Oh my goodness, it wasn't anything like I was expecting. As we walked in we were greeted by the over powering smell of toilet disinfectant and the sight of the disabled toilet door wide open for all to see. After chuckling about the situation in disbelief we strode up to the bar, again to be only given the choice of either Bitter or Broadside which both of us found odd particularly with the pub being next door to an Adnams shop. We both plumped for a half of Broadside and grabbed the pool table. Like the Cherry Tree, the beer was smashing. Good temperature and a nice clean taste. So nice in fact that we had a second.
The interior of the pub was very different to that of most Adnams pubs with it being very open plan and to be honest quite dirty looking. We were both relieved that we hadn't come here yesterday with all the babies. There were various notices and posters up on the wall that were basically just 'not Adnams', one of them even advertising the fact that you could walk in with your own takeaway and they would provide the cutlery. Bizarre !!
I have to say that this was not one of my favourite pubs and to be honest, now it's off the list, I won't be rushing back. Nevermind eh!

Oh and for the record I got stuffed 3-1 by hustler Browne.

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